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Publications & Papers


For a long time, there are many serious problems in quality of architectural activities in our country both in project and application. Eventhough the life quality increasing, most of the buildings constructed reflect lack of quality. The number of buildings setting an example Republic period existing more than seventy years, almost does not exceed ten. Second of third hand copies of international Architecture activities, bad imitations which can not solve the philosophy they are comprising are applied widespread throughout out country.

How many buildings are there in this country which can represent XX. century architecture in the coming centuries? How we should find solutions to these complaints? Shall we as the numbers of this career find a to this subject or are we waiting for someone to dictate the solutions to us?

For this we have to bring to the agenda the arrangements for increasing the quality which we will try to study in four main sections. Increasing the quality in education and training within the career quality increasing activities on design basis activities to be made in application increasing the quality of the users.

Result: Architecture is an art of constucting buildings and teaching its usage. It is not a fight of producing empty words or creating endless entellectual arguments. Our country nedds people and institutions who love thier art are serios and find solutions. The result of the education we took and try to give should not see complaint but solution. Gossips fights to get advantages in benefit sharings this way or anothe, brought us to a point which is hard the solve. The purpose is to find a solution, I believe that our people, even if it is a little bit hard, has the potential to produce solutions for today and future but first we should believe in this and show enough. Please let's give a break to our efforts of improving the country and first let's organize ourselves and our career. We need this desperately. Our priorty should be this.